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Roomful Of Teeth: Tiny Desk Concert
Set list
Roomful of Teeth, an avant-garde vocal ensemble founded in 2009 by Brad Wells, recently captivated audiences with a mesmerizing Tiny Desk concert. The group, which includes Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Caroline Shaw, defies traditional ensemble singing norms by exploring a diverse range of vocal techniques from around the world.
During the concert, Roomful of Teeth showcased their unique sound by combining yodeling, Tuvan throat singing, and Sardinian cantu a tenore. The performance featured compositions from cutting-edge composers such as Meredith Monk, resulting in a captivating blend of sweet and alarming vocal sounds rarely heard from a group of singers.
Roomful of Teeth's mission is to push the boundaries of vocal expression, and they achieve this by studying various vocal styles annually at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. The ensemble has collaborated with renowned composers like Julia Wolfe and Merrill Garbus, further cementing their reputation as innovators in the world of vocal music.
Overall, Roomful of Teeth's Tiny Desk concert was a testament to their experimental spirit and dedication to exploring the limitless possibilities of the human voice.